Well, not just poop - it also includes other nasty things like dead bacteria, viruses, dead animal particles and, of course, poop!
Which means 12% of the water you're drinking...
Showering in...
Brushing your teeth with...
Using to cook food with...
And washing your face with, is full of 💩.
Here are pictures we’ve taken after conducting a laboratory grade* Water Precipitation test** from different homes throughout Las Vegas.
*Tests were conducted using a LaMotte AT38/40 Water Quality Kit.
**Precipitation test uses coloring agents to easily mark non-water matter.
No Water Softener Installed
No Water Softener Installed
No Water Softener Installed
No Water Softener Installed
No Water Softener Installed
$600 Home Depot Water Softener Installed
Kind of. Let's first understand what we're looking at.
At the bottom of the vial you’ll see a large group of floaty spots which is heavy metals.
This is what causes itchy skin, frizzy hair and scale build up on your appliances.
Then the floaty white stuff NOT at the bottom is poop and other crap.
This causes more pimples, blackheads, eczema, skin discoloration, and wrinkles to name a few common issues.
Finally, what you can't see are the carcinogens like chlorine, asbestos, and fluoride to name a few...
If you don't know, a carcinogen is a cell that is capable of causing cancer...
Let's say that a different way...
All the floating white stuff makes your skin ugly while also encouraging the growth of cancer in your body.
This means the water you're showering in...
Using to cook food for your family...
Brushing your teeth with...
Cleaning your face with...
On a daily basis...
Is literally helping cancer to grow in your body.
This means the water you're showering in...
Using to cook food for your family...
Brushing your teeth with...
Cleaning your face with...
On a daily basis...
Is literally helping cancer to grow in your body.
Which Hasn't Killed You Yet...
But Do You REALLY Want to Keep Consuming that 💩?
Probably not...
Let us educate you on what can be done about this problem.
In 30-minutes, one of our water technicians will show you the quality of your water, explain how this impacts you then help you to understand what can be done to solve this.
We promise our team member won't attempt to sell you anything unless you ask to know more about our system.
If you're interested...
Choose a date & time using the calendar below.
At the scheduled time a water technician will arrive at your house.
Together, you’ll conduct a laboratory grade Water Precipitation test on your kitchen tap water OR bathroom sink if you have a water softener installed.
While the results populate the water technician will educate you on exactly what's happening and next steps to fix this problem, IF you want to.
Choose a date & time for a water technician to test your water using the calendar below.
At the scheduled time a water technician will arrive at your house.
Together, you’ll conduct a laboratory grade Water Precipitation test on your kitchen tap water OR bathroom sink if you have a water softener installed.
While the results populate the water technician will educate you on exactly what's happening and next steps to fix this problem, IF you want to.
Aloha Water System 2023 | All Rights Reserved